This Accessibility Plan outlines what Kingstec Technologies Inc. will do to remove and prevent accessibility barriers for our customers and our employees.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. has adopted accessibility standards similar to those in the Accessibility for Ontarian’s with Disabilities Act. The following outlines our progress and commitment to achieving these standards now and in the future.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. is committed to providing our customers with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way upon request. We will also provide employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when necessary.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. requires employees, volunteers and other staff members to undertake training in relation to accessibility, specific to the jurisdiction in which they work. Employees, including contingent contractors complete an online training course when they first join Kingstec Technologies Inc. and then once every three years. Kingstec Technologies Inc. has also provided written accessibility training materials to third parties who deal directly with our customers on our behalf, and takes steps to ensure this training is completed.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. is committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access to the information they need whether to help employees do their jobs or to help customers make informed decisions about their commercial affairs with Kingstec Technologies Inc. We continually consult with people with disabilities to gain insights into their specific needs. These insights have helped us to identify and implement measures, such as the use of alternate formats and technologies that make Kingstec Technologies Inc. communications more accessible.
Kingstec Technologies Inc.’s existing feedback processes are accessible to people with disabilities upon request. We currently offer many ways to communicate with us, including by e-mail, telephone, mail, and in person.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. is committed to creating a diverse workforce and an inclusive, supportive workplace where everyone is treated with respect. Kingstec Technologies Inc. also recognizes that we have a responsibility to provide a barrier-free work environment and equitable employment opportunities for all our employees.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. will take steps to develop and put in a place a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability.
Upon request, Kingstec Technologies Inc. will provide employees with workplace information in accessible formats and with communication supports, determined in consultation with the employee.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. continues to build a barrier-free environment by implementing systemic technological solutions.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. will take steps to ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities needs are taken into account by using performance management, career development and redeployment processes.
Discussions around performance will address any accommodation needs or barriers that might be hindering an employee’s success or career development. Where accommodation needs are identified, management will work with Kingstec Technologies Inc.’s Accommodation Advisor to ensure that employees receive the appropriate supports to be successful in the role.
Employees returning to work after a period of disability will work with Kingstec Technologies Inc.’s management team to come up with a suitable return-to-work plan that addresses barriers and accommodation needs for a successful transition to the workplace.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. will also take steps to prevent and remove any other accessibility barriers that may be identified.
Beginning in August of 2017, all new Kingstec Technologies Inc. facilities that are acquired or built by Kingstec Technologies Inc. will meet the new Ontario Building Code requirements which have evolved considering accessibility. Additionally, renovations to existing space will need to meet accessibility standards in order to obtain construction permits. Kingstec Technologies Inc.’s Real Estate department works closely with its architectural partners to ensure that its premises meet accessibility standards.
Kingstec Technologies Inc. engages a third party service provider to manage its facilities and has established procedures to deal with service issues of any sort, which would include the prevention of service disruptions to the accessible parts of its public spaces.
In the event of a service disruption, we will notify the public of the service disruption and alternatives available.
You may contact us about accessibility at Kingstec Technologies Inc. by contacting us at:
Phone: +1 905-712-2171